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Lynch-Bell numbers
A number with distinct digits divisible by each of them. more

The full list of Lynch-Bell numbers is :
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15, 24, 36, 48, 124, 126, 128, 132, 135, 162, 168, 175, 184, 216, 248, 264, 312, 315, 324, 384, 396, 412, 432, 612, 624, 648, 672, 728, 735, 784, 816, 824, 864, 936, 1236, 1248, 1296, 1326, 1362, 1368, 1395, 1632, 1692, 1764, 1824, 1926, 1935, 1962, 2136, 2184, 2196, 2316, 2364, 2436, 2916, 3126, 3162, 3168, 3195, 3216, 3264, 3276, 3492, 3612, 3624, 3648, 3816, 3864, 3915, 3924, 4128, 4172, 4236, 4368, 4392, 4632, 4872, 4896, 4932, 4968, 6132, 6192, 6312, 6324, 6384, 6432, 6912, 6984, 8136, 8496, 8736, 9126, 9135, 9162, 9216, 9315, 9324, 9432, 9612, 9648, 9864, 12384, 12648, 12768, 12864, 13248, 13824, 13896, 13968, 14328, 14728, 14832, 16248, 16824, 17248, 18264, 18432, 18624, 18936, 19368, 21384, 21648, 21784, 21864, 23184, 24168, 24816, 26184, 27384, 28416, 29736, 31248, 31824, 31896, 31968, 32184, 34128, 36792, 37128, 37296, 37926, 38472, 39168, 39816, 41328, 41832, 42168, 42816, 43128, 43176, 46128, 46872, 48216, 48312, 61248, 61824, 62184, 64128, 68712, 72184, 73164, 73248, 73416, 73962, 78624, 79128, 79632, 81264, 81432, 81624, 81936, 82416, 84216, 84312, 84672, 87192, 89136, 89712, 91368, 91476, 91728, 92736, 93168, 93816, 98136, 123648, 123864, 123984, 124368, 126384, 129384, 132648, 132864, 132984, 134928, 136248, 136824, 138264, 138624, 139248, 139824, 142368, 143928, 146328, 146832, 148392, 148632, 149328, 149832, 162384, 163248, 163824, 164328, 164832, 167328, 167832, 168432, 172368, 183264, 183624, 184392, 184632, 186432, 189432, 192384, 193248, 193824, 194328, 194832, 198432, 213648, 213864, 213984, 214368, 216384, 218736, 219384, 231648, 231864, 231984, 234168, 234816, 236184, 238416, 239184, 241368, 243168, 243768, 243816, 247968, 248136, 248976, 261384, 263184, 273168, 281736, 283416, 284136, 291384, 293184, 297864, 312648, 312864, 312984, 314928, 316248, 316824, 318264, 318624, 319248, 319824, 321648, 321864, 321984, 324168, 324816, 326184, 328416, 329184, 341928, 342168, 342816, 346128, 348192, 348216, 348912, 349128, 361248, 361824, 361872, 362184, 364128, 364728, 367248, 376824, 381264, 381624, 382416, 384192, 384216, 384912, 391248, 391824, 392184, 394128, 412368, 413928, 416328, 416832, 418392, 418632, 419328, 419832, 421368, 423168, 423816, 427896, 428136, 428736, 431928, 432168, 432768, 432816, 436128, 438192, 438216, 438912, 439128, 461328, 461832, 463128, 468312, 469728, 478296, 478632, 481392, 481632, 482136, 483192, 483216, 483672, 483912, 486312, 489312, 491328, 491832, 493128, 498312, 612384, 613248, 613824, 613872, 614328, 614832, 618432, 621384, 623184, 623784, 627984, 631248, 631824, 632184, 634128, 634872, 641328, 641832, 643128, 648312, 671328, 671832, 681432, 684312, 689472, 732648, 732816, 742896, 746928, 762384, 768432, 783216, 789264, 796824, 813264, 813624, 814392, 814632, 816432, 819432, 823416, 824136, 824376, 831264, 831624, 832416, 834192, 834216, 834912, 836472, 841392, 841632, 842136, 843192, 843216, 843912, 846312, 849312, 861432, 864312, 873264, 891432, 894312, 897624, 912384, 913248, 913824, 914328, 914832, 918432, 921384, 923184, 927864, 931248, 931824, 932184, 934128, 941328, 941832, 943128, 948312, 976248, 978264, 981432, 984312, 1289736, 1293768, 1369872, 1372896, 1376928, 1382976, 1679328, 1679832, 1687392, 1738296, 1823976, 1863792, 1876392, 1923768, 1936872, 1982736, 2137968, 2138976, 2189376, 2317896, 2789136, 2793168, 2819376, 2831976, 2931768, 2937816, 2978136, 2983176, 3186792, 3187296, 3196872, 3271968, 3297168, 3298176, 3619728, 3678192, 3712968, 3768912, 3796128, 3816792, 3817296, 3867192, 3869712, 3927168, 3928176, 6139728, 6379128, 6387192, 6389712, 6391728, 6719328, 6719832, 6731928, 6893712, 6913872, 6971328, 6971832, 7168392, 7198632, 7231896, 7291368, 7329168, 7361928, 7392168, 7398216, 7613928, 7639128, 7829136, 7836192, 7839216, 7861392, 7863912, 7891632, 7892136, 7916328, 7916832, 7921368, 8123976, 8163792, 8176392, 8219736, 8312976, 8367912, 8617392, 8731296, 8796312, 8912736, 8973216, 9163728, 9176328, 9176832, 9182376, 9231768, 9237816, 9278136, 9283176, 9617328, 9617832, 9678312, 9718632, 9723168, 9781632, 9782136, 9812376, 9867312.

Distribution of the remainders when the numbers in this family are divided by n=2, 3,..., 11. (I took into account 548 values, from 1 to 9867312).

n\r 0  1 
253216 2 
3528128 3 
451831413 4 
512119152148117 5 
6516371291 6 
7239574252565844 7 
848827630177 8 
931422667414832 9 
100115111161211811471 10 

A pictorial representation of the table above
Imagine to divide the members of this family by a number n and compute the remainders. Should they be uniformly distributed, each remainder from 0 to n-1 would be obtained in about (1/n)-th of the cases. This outcome is represented by a white square. Reddish (resp. bluish) squares represent remainders which appear more (resp. less) frequently than 1/n.