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Giuga numbers
A composite number  $n$  is called Giuga number if  $p$  divides  $n/p-1$  for all prime divisors  $p$  of  $n$.

It can be proved that  $n$  is a Giuga number if and only if the difference

where  $p$  ranges among the divisors of  $n$, represents a natural number.

For example,  $858=2\cdot3\cdot11\cdot13$  is a Giuga number because


It can be proved easily that a Giuga number must be squarefree and equal to the product of at least 3 primes.

All the known Giuga numbers are even, but the possibility of an odd Giuga number has not been ruled out.

The first Giuga numbers are 30, 858, 1722, 66198, 2214408306, 24423128562, 432749205173838.

Giuga numbers can also be... (you may click on names or numbers)

aban 30 858 abundant 30 858 1722 66198 admirable 30 alternating 30 858 apocalyptic 1722 arithmetic 30 858 1722 66198 congruent 30 66198 constructible 30 Curzon 30 eban 30 evil 30 858 66198 Harshad 30 iban 1722 idoneal 30 inconsummate 66198 interprime 30 858 1722 junction 1722 katadrome 30 magnanimous 30 modest 66198 nialpdrome 30 nude 1722 oban 30 858 odious 1722 palindromic 858 partition 30 pernicious 1722 practical 30 858 1722 66198 prim.abundant 30 primorial 30 pronic 30 1722 2214408306 pseudoperfect 30 858 1722 66198 sphenic 30 super Niven 30 uban 30 undulating 858 untouchable 66198 wasteful 30 858 1722 66198 Zumkeller 30 858 1722 66198