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canyon numbers
A number is a canyon number in base  $b$  if its digits first decrease and then increase in that base, there is only one occurrence of the smallest digit, and the first and last digits are the same.

For example, 212, 7317, and 85234568 are all canyon numbers in base 10.

Here, I consider generalized canyon numbers in base 10, where the first and last digits may differ, as in 102, 9317, and 8523456. For brevity, I simply refer to them as canyon numbers.

In base  $b\ge2$  there are

   \frac{4^b + 3\cdot b - 6\cdot 2^b + 5}{3}
canyon numbers. For base  $b=10$  the formula above gives a total of 347489 canyon numbers, from 101 to 9876543210123456789. Among these, there are 24356 primes (from 101 to 98765432101456789) but only 105 powerful numbers, from  $108=2^2\cdot3^3$  to  $987654301234568=2^3\cdot11^2\cdot73^2\cdot101^2\cdot{137, 2}$.

The first canyon numbers (in base 10) are 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 207, 208, 209, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 218, 219, 301, 302 more terms

Below, the spiral pattern of canyon numbers up to 10,000. See the page on prime numbers for an explanation and links to similar pictures.

spiral pattern of canyon numbers

Canyon numbers can also be... (you may click on names or numbers and on + to get more values)

a-pointer 101 103 701 + 9875405789 ABA 324 512 648 + 9876541234568 aban 101 102 103 + 989 abundant 102 104 108 + 43245678 Achilles 108 648 968 + 9876541234568 admirable 102 104 308 + 98765418 alt.fact. 101 619 alternating 101 103 105 + 987656789 amenable 101 104 105 + 987656789 amicable 6368 apocalyptic 218 312 434 + 21789 arithmetic 101 102 103 + 9876789 astonishing 204 216 429 3078 automorphic 625 balanced p. 607 947 4013 + 9876543217 Bell 203 betrothed 2024 6128 9504 binomial 105 325 406 + 98765012346 brilliant 209 319 323 + 987654589 c.decagonal 101 2101 6301 + 9863101 c.heptagonal 106 316 547 + 86540147 c.nonagonal 325 406 703 + 987612346 c.octagonal 529 625 729 + 865124569 c.pentagonal 106 526 601 + 98643106 c.square 313 545 613 + 98631013 c.triangular 109 316 409 + 9876401389 cake 834 2048 5489 + 53102568 Canada 8549 Carol 959 65023 Catalan 429 Chen 101 107 109 + 98765417 congruent 101 102 103 + 9876789 constructible 102 204 408 + 98304 cube 216 512 729 Cullen 2049 Cunningham 101 215 217 + 865124568 Curzon 105 209 306 + 102345689 cyclic 101 103 107 + 9876589 D-number 201 213 219 + 7012389 d-powerful 209 407 518 + 9876539 de Polignac 509 701 757 + 98765479 decagonal 637 2047 4257 + 9310126 deceptive 703 8149 8401 + 8421037 deficient 101 103 105 + 9876789 dig.balanced 108 201 202 + 95410356 double fact. 105 945 Duffinian 201 203 205 + 9876569 eban 2034 2036 2046 + 64056 economical 101 103 105 + 10346789 emirp 107 701 709 + 102356789 emirpimes 203 205 302 + 98765489 enlightened 2048 equidigital 101 103 105 + 10346789 eRAP 2079 4345 5368 + 765346 esthetic 101 212 323 + 987654323456789 Eulerian 302 502 1013 + 8178 evil 101 102 105 + 987656789 fibodiv 305 323 427 + 101478 Fibonacci 75025 Friedman 216 625 736 + 983049 frugal 512 625 729 + 987653125 gapful 105 108 315 + 98765432469 Gilda 314 628 5346 Giuga 858 good prime 101 307 419 + 98420579 happy 103 109 203 + 9876578 harmonic 8128 Harshad 102 108 201 + 9876543579 heptagonal 403 616 2059 + 9873012358 hex 217 547 817 + 983210137 hexagonal 325 435 703 + 98765012346 hoax 202 308 319 + 98765689 Hogben 307 507 601 + 986431057 Honaker 1039 1049 3067 + 986532103 house 434 6409 7617 + 874234 hyperperfect 301 325 8128 iban 101 102 103 + 743247 iccanobiF 514 836 4139 idoneal 102 105 312 408 impolite 512 1024 2048 inconsummate 216 326 416 + 987645 interprime 102 105 108 + 98765436 Jordan-Polya 216 512 768 + 98304 junction 101 103 105 + 98765439 Kaprekar 703 961038 Lehmer 435 703 949 + 9876102367 Leyland 512 945 2169 lonely 2179 Lucas 9349 64079 lucky 105 201 205 + 9876589 Lynch-Bell 216 312 315 + 984312 magic 505 2056 83215 9732689 magnanimous 101 203 209 + 73156 modest 103 109 203 + 1012345679 Moran 201 207 209 + 98765328 Motzkin 323 835 853467 narcissistic 407 8208 nonagonal 204 325 856 + 98710246 nude 212 216 312 + 98742168 O'Halloran 204 924 oban 303 305 306 + 989 octagonal 408 645 736 + 98762456 odious 103 104 107 + 987654789 Ormiston 63079 63179 64109 + 987654179 palindromic 101 202 212 + 987654323456789 palprime 101 313 727 + 987642101246789 pancake 106 301 326 + 98765012347 panconsummate 219 413 523 pandigital 108 201 216 + 9876543201 partition 101 627 8349 pentagonal 425 715 925 + 875401367 perfect 8128 pernicious 103 104 107 + 9876789 Perrin 209 6107 persistent 1023456789 2013456789 2103456789 + 98765432109 Pierpont 109 769 10369 52489 Poulet 645 2047 4369 + 87249 power 216 324 512 + 865124569 powerful 108 216 324 + 987654301234568 practical 104 108 204 + 9876568 prim.abundant 102 104 304 + 98765418 prime 101 103 107 + 987654321569 primeval 107 1013 1037 + 10123456789 productive 106 306 502 + 75268 pronic 306 506 702 + 986431056 Proth 209 417 513 + 8642101249 pseudoperfect 102 104 108 + 987678 repfigit 7647 repunit 307 507 601 + 986431057 Rhonda 5439 8526 521356 Ruth-Aaron 104 105 714 + 976430123679 Sastry 328 528 715 self 108 209 312 + 987654349 semiprime 106 201 202 + 98765789 sliding 101 205 425 + 80125 Smith 202 319 438 + 98765689 Sophie Germain 419 509 659 + 9876543179 sphenic 102 105 318 + 98765439 square 324 529 625 + 865124569 star 937 3037 4213 + 972037 strobogrammatic 101 609 619 + 91016 strong prime 101 107 307 + 98765417 super Niven 102 204 306 + 2016 super-d 105 106 107 + 9876569 tau 104 108 204 + 987654568 taxicab 4104 984067 2101248 7640128 tetrahedral 816 969 2024 + 6435689 tetranacci 108 208 401 + 76424 triangular 105 325 406 + 98765012346 tribonacci 504 927 3136 trimorphic 501 624 625 + 81249 truncatable prime 313 317 523 + 9812347 twin 101 103 107 + 987654379 Ulam 102 106 206 + 9876569 undulating 101 202 212 + 989 unprimeable 204 206 208 + 9876548 untouchable 206 216 304 + 987678 wasteful 102 104 108 + 9876789 weak prime 103 109 313 + 98765419 weakly prime 86310135679 86432126789 weird 836 512468 721468 987316 Wieferich 3279 Woodall 323 1023 2047 10239 Zeisel 105 54205 Zuckerman 212 216 312 + 863136 Zumkeller 102 104 108 + 98756