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6901129 = 372712

6901129 has 9 divisors (see below), whose sum is σ = 7193991. Its totient is φ = 6620040.

The previous prime is 6901109. The next prime is 6901163. The reversal of 6901129 is 9211096.

The square root of 6901129 is 2627.

It is a perfect power (a square), and thus also a powerful number.

It can be written as a sum of positive squares in only one way, i.e., 6175225 + 725904 = 2485^2 + 852^2 .

It is not a de Polignac number, because 6901129 - 213 = 6892937 is a prime.

It is a Duffinian number.

6901129 is a Rhonda number in base 8.

6901129 is a lucky number.

It is a junction number, because it is equal to n+sod(n) for n = 6901097 and 6901106.

It is not an unprimeable number, because it can be changed into a prime (6901109) by changing a digit.

It is a pernicious number, because its binary representation contains a prime number (11) of ones.

It is a polite number, since it can be written in 8 ways as a sum of consecutive naturals, for example, 97164 + ... + 97234.

Almost surely, 26901129 is an apocalyptic number.

6901129 is the 2627-th square number.

6901129 is the 1314-th centered octagonal number.

It is an amenable number.

6901129 is a deficient number, since it is larger than the sum of its proper divisors (292862).

6901129 is an frugal number, since it uses more digits than its factorization.

6901129 is an odious number, because the sum of its binary digits is odd.

The sum of its prime factors is 216 (or 108 counting only the distinct ones).

The product of its (nonzero) digits is 972, while the sum is 28.

The cubic root of 6901129 is about 190.3882090390.

The spelling of 6901129 in words is "six million, nine hundred one thousand, one hundred twenty-nine".

Divisors: 1 37 71 1369 2627 5041 97199 186517 6901129