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Lucas numbers
A member of the sequence defined by the recurrence L(0)=2, L(1)=1 and L(n) = L(n-1) + L(n-2). more

The Lucas numbers up to 1015 :

Distribution of the remainders when the numbers in this family are divided by n=2, 3,..., 11. (I took into account 100000 values, from 1 to 5.8⋅1020898).

n\r 0  1 
23333366667 2 
3250003750037500 3 
416667166671666650000 4 
5025000250002500025000 5 
683332499912499166671250125001 6 
7125001250062502500025000625012500 7 
8083341666625000166678333025000 8 
983338334208348333833483338334208328333 9 
1001666783331666783340833316667833316666 10 

A pictorial representation of the table above
Imagine to divide the members of this family by a number n and compute the remainders. Should they be uniformly distributed, each remainder from 0 to n-1 would be obtained in about (1/n)-th of the cases. This outcome is represented by a white square. Reddish (resp. bluish) squares represent remainders which appear more (resp. less) frequently than 1/n.